10 Brilliant Biscuits That Deserve A Good Dunking

1. Stroopwafel

Surprise! This biscuit is not strictly speaking a dunker. Sure you can dunk it, and sure, it's very nice, but the biscuit is so big you'd need a vat to be able to get the whole lot into the cup. Besides, the real joy is waiting at the top of the cup. You're confused? I'll explain. The stroopwafel, which would be the Netherlands' finest export were it not for cheese, gin and tulips, has a caramel centre. If you place your stroopwafel atop your cup, like a lid, the caramel in the middle melts and creates a delicious treat. Healthy it is not, but we've got our five a day for that. It's a slow burner, true, but well worth waiting for. I recommend leaving it on as possible, turning occasionally to ensure the waffle itself doesn't get too soggy. Plus, if you are someone who makes a hot drink only to get carried away with what you are doing until it gets cold, the stroopwafel will help your tea retain heat for 47% longer. Ok, I lied, I am totally a biscuit scientist.

I'll watch anything, so long as it has a juicy plot, a couple of twists and hopefully a few scares. My favourite films include The Fugitive, The Last Starfighter and The Secret In Their Eyes. Television wise, I'm a big fan of the Nordic Noir, Sherlock and Doctor Who. All the classics!