10 Celebrities Who Gave Absolutely Zero F*cks

2. Kanye West

This one bears revisiting because it€™s a classic. Kanye West, the rapper/producer/egomaniacal intergalactic overlord, has been one of the most outspoken celebrities in the world since his rise to fame. He thinks incredibly highly of himself and isn€™t afraid to tell anyone who€™ll listen how he€™s the next Dr. Dre, Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson or Jesus Christ. You could honestly fill up this entire list with Kanye moments, which is weird because for someone who constantly lashes out with no f*cks, he spends an inordinate amount of time trying to convince people of his greatness. When Hurricane Katrina decimated Louisiana in 2005, the sense of devastation and loss was tremendous. Catastrophic amounts of damage occurred at the hands of mother nature, and mankind followed it up with plenty of cruelty and negligence of our own. New Orleans was reduced to a third world country overnight, and it wasn€™t long before fingers were being pointed and blame skirted from one party to the next. Fundraisers were organized and the haves stepped up the help the have-nots. During a benefit on NBC, comedian Mike Myers and Kanye West were paired together to make a presentation and implore viewers to help. Myers read prepared lines off the teleprompter, but when it was Kanye's turn to speak he went off-script and nervously unleashed a stuttering diatribe full of politically-fueled angst. The best part of the entire thing is Mike Myers being very visibly uncomfortable and paling a bit during the tirade. When an exasperated Myers spoke again, he read the rest of his lines and waited for the segment to end, but then West abruptly blurted out "George Bush doesn't care about black people." The comedian gave Kanye a "Really, dude? Really?" look and then the screen cut to Chris Tucker rolling his eyes next to a refrigerator. This entire event may explain why the long awaited Kanye West/Wayne Campbell collaboration has yet to come to fruition.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.