10 Celebrity Pairs You Won't Believe Went To School Together

7. Judge Joseph Wapner & Lana Turner So far most of the pairings we've presented sort of make sense: sure, young performers might cluster together at California high schools, and of course their paths might cross later in odd ways, but this one is a Mad Lib. Joseph Wapner, the Judge in the American courtroom series The People's Court, became the first star of an arbitration-based reality show. Where these shows are now the norm, Wapner broke new ground in 1981 and made a household name for himself, and he has since been immortalised in the film Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman's line "Ten minutes to Wapner! Ten minutes to Wapner!" But in the 1930's Wapner was an apple cheeked lad who attended Hollywood High with screen beauty Lana Turner. One day sixteen year old Lana skipped school and bought a coke at the Top Hat Malt Shop on Sunset Boulevard when she was spotted by William Wilkerson, the publisher of the Hollywood Reporter, who was struck by her looks and referred her to Zeppo Marx, who was also a talent agent who immediately signed her on and she had a small walk on in Mervyn Le Roy's They Won't Forget (1937). Her career took off like a rocket and included such classics as The Postman Always Rings Twice and Peyton Place. But before all this happened, these two were not only school chums, they actually dated.


I am a d-list straight to video actress who owns a used bookstore. I was a house writer for the Canadian film magazine Home Movies and have also contributed to the U.S. publication Super Eight today. I won a Saskatchewan Writers Guild Award for my short story My Dream Date with Roger Ebert. I am also a contributor to Cracked. com.