10 Common Nightmares (And What They Actually Mean)

2. Being Naked In Public

Prince Harry Nude Censored One of the most prevalent nightmares is finding yourself naked in public, or at the very least, indecently attired. It's common to the point of normal, having long since entered the public consciousness as a joke of a dream; so while the idea of walking around only to find yourself naked from the waist down would be devastating for a great many people, it's also one of the most common dreams and nightmares to have. What It Means... Being naked in a dream is often considered to be a sign of the dreamer having a bout of strong negative self-image or a fear of being seen inadequate. Often a 'naked dream' will occur when the dreamer is under a lot of upcoming stress: feeling scared and insecure about how they are perceived by the external world. They can arise ahead of an upcoming job interview, assessment of some kind, or even a physical moment of nudity and forced intimacy such as a medical appointment. Therefore, in the dream, the dreamer will often find themselves literally stripped bare and forced to face their worry - that people will see them for exactly who they are, warts and all, something absolutely terrifying to many people who often build up personae and walls to face the modern world with.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.