10 Compelling Arguments That Lord Voldemort Was Based On Adolf Hitler

10. A Troubled Childhood

Where better to start than right at the beginning? As JK Rowling revealed as the series progressed, Lord Voldemort did not have a particularly pleasant upbringing. Born on New Year€™s Eve 1926 at Wool€™s Orphanage in London, his magical mother had just enough strength left to name him Tom Marvolo Riddle before she died of childbirth complications and left her son alone in the Muggle world. Tom grew up in the orphanage completely unaware of his wizarding blood yet still unable to fit in with the other children, believing himself to be superior to them and destined for greater things, although at that age he wasn€™t quite sure what they were. He was a bright boy, though very disruptive and unwilling to bow down to the authority of his elders. Similarly, Adolf Hitler€™s childhood was marred with death and unhappiness. He was born in 1889 in a town in present day Austria as the fourth child of Alois and Klara Hitler, though he was the only child to get past infancy €“ all three of his elder siblings died very young. It was the death of his mother that really shook the future Fuhrer, however. Alois had already passed away and Klara died in 1907 after suffering from breast cancer. Like Riddle, with no mother figure in his life Hitler became detached and unruly and struggled in school. They both left their adolescence with little in the way of education and a determination not to let that stop them achieving greatness.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.