10 Conspiracy Theories That People Are No Longer Believing

2. Hollow Earth

Moon Landing Fake 2
Public Domain

We're currently experiencing some very bizarre cartographical problems right now, with many still believing that the earth is just a flat surface either surrounded by an ice wall or with electromagnetic properties that cause us to teleport back when we reach the end. You know, Like Pac-man.

I have a limited word count, but this paragraph was once just repeating that fact.

Thing is, this is not the stupidest idea we've ever had about the very ground we stand. Back in 1869, physicist Cyrus Reed Teed was playing with electricity when what you assume happened did. He survived, but suddenly believed he was the living incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Also, that the earth was hollow. That's the flyer he distributed before founding a cult in Florida. Note how it leaves out the Jesus part. Marketing.

The Koreshanity ("Koresh" is in the F*****G name) actually managed to convince some: We are not looking out on the universe, but rather surrounded by a planet, encased inside of it.

Much like flat earth, hollow earthers have a rather complicated scientific explanation that appears to back it up, but none of it holds under scrutiny.

Teed gained believers. Scientist Edmund Halley bought it, saying it backed up his discovery that earth's magnetic field was erratic. From there, he extrapolated that life existed under us.

Enter 1956's The Mole People. You know your theory is dead in the water when it's B-Movie territory. Though I wouldn't be surprised, now that it's been broached, it might resurge.

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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.