10 Cosmic Dangers Threatening Our Planet

8. Supermassive Black Holes

Practically everyone in the modern world has heard of black holes and what an oddity they are with the very limited knowledge we possess of the universe. In short, black holes are dark rotating spheres (contrary to the popular depiction of them being two dimensional holes) born from a supernova, that have such an insanely powerful gravitational field, not even light or spacetime (if you can wrap your head around that) can escape them. While the largest black hole discovered has the mass of 33 stars, the smallest supermassive black hole discovered has a registered mass of hundreds of thousands of stars. All of these insatiable titans that we know off reside at the center of galaxies, including our own. It€™s believed that regular black holes expel certain particles, and scientists are relying on them for study, but that begs the question, if the regular ones expel particles, what can a supermassive one expel? Nothing good can come out of stars flying in our general direction.
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