10 Craziest Things We Learned From Alex Jones And Tim Dillon On The Joe Rogan Experience

6. Bohemian Grove

Taking a break from talking about the effects of climate change and whether corporations are trying to eradicate human beings through Artificial Intelligence, Jones eventually began to shed some light on a little place by the name of Bohemian Grove.

For those who aren't aware, Bohemian Grove is a place which is home to the all-male gentlemen's club known as the Bohemian club. This club sees well-known artists, musicians, politicians, businessmen and people of power all gather in this exact spot. However, some rather creepy stuff has reportedly gone down at these events too.

Jones talks at lengths about an eerie ritual involving members wearing robes and burning an effigy in front of a large statue of Moloch the owl god. We were even treated to a video of Jones questioning former presidential advisor David Gergen about said ritual. In this clip we see Gergen grow increasingly frustrated as Jones continues to poke him about the ritual, and also hear Jones talk about sneaking into the club and capturing the surreal event on camera.

According to Jones, Clint Eastwood and Danny Glover are just two of the high profile names who ventured to Bohemian Grove, along with the likes of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...