2. Fortune Telling
Christmas, Czech Republic: all the single ladies turn to traditional fortune telling to find out whether theyll be lucky in love for the upcoming year. If youre wondering what your own fortune holds, here is how you can find out Czech style: Stand with your back to a door (make sure you mum isn't about to enter) and throw one of your shoes over your shoulder. If the shoe lands with its toe facing the door you will tie the knot that year, yay! BUT if the shoes heel faces the door you will have another year of loneliness. Boo. If this one doesn't tickle your supernatural pickle theres more ways to tell your fortune: cut off a couple twigs from a cherry tree on the feast day of St. Barbara which is December 4th. Give them names. I suggest Brad, George and Ryan. Place the twigs in a warm area (under your bed?) before placing them in warm water. Whichever twig re-flowers by Christmas Eve: thats the lucky guy. He will be your groom. Still not enough? Well then, slice an apple in half. If the core forms a cross: lets just say youre going to have a really bad case of flu that year but if its shaped in a star you get to look forward to happiness and wealth.