10 Creepiest Government Secrets

3. The Philadelphia Experiment

The True Story Of The Philadelphia Experiment 140866
New World Pictures

Although most believe it to be a hoax, the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment has continued through the years - and if true, it's one of the creepiest government secrets around. As the tale goes, it took place at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, where the U.S.S. Elderidge was rendered invisible. The U.S. Navy denies the experiment took place, but if you believe supposed witness accounts, it went down in 1943, and initial tests were partially successful - those present described a green fog being where the ship had been.

The experiments were based on unified field theory, generally attributed to Einstein. However, something in the experiment went wrong: when the ship came back into plain view, some of those on-board experienced nausea, dementia, and there were reports of crew members becoming embedded in the metal structures of the ship itself.

The ship, however, is stated to have disappeared completely from all instruments - though there were claims that 200 miles away, the crew of the SS Andrew Furuseth saw the ship appear in Virginia, briefly, then vanish again. The entire legend was put together into a low-budget sci-fi flick a while back.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.