energia.sl.plYear: 2012 Country: United States Long haul trucker Scott Murray was in Michigan, when he received a panicked call from his wife at home. His wife was in a terrible state, believing that she may have been drugged and raped. After immediately driving home, Murray took his wife to the ER, where they found no signs of a rape. There was a strange burn found on her right shoulder but little else, so Murray brought his wife home under the assumption that she'd had a bad dream. The next day, Murray went out into the garden, and discovered four bizarre burn marks in the grass, in a circular formation. After looking above, he also noticed that a nearby tree had leaves 20 feet up that were burnt black. In the ensuing week, Murray took his wife for hypnotic regression therapy, whereupon she recalled being taken into a spaceship in which they performed increasingly intrusive acts on her. She became increasingly paranoid and terrified, and one day Murray came home to find that his wife had ended her own life. Desperate for answers, Murray sent samples of the burnt grass to a local college, who told him that they were radiation burns. However, the college suddenly changed their mind and claimed that they weren't radiation burns, almost as if, in Murray's words, "they were told to say that".