10 Creepy Public Art Displays

8. Baby Tower - Prague

In the Tower Park of Prague, the Žižkov Television Tower stands 216 metres above the landscape looking like something from 1970€™s Star Wars. In 2000, it was decided that the tower needed an update. So, Czech artist David Œerný sculpted enormous babies and had them attached to the sides of the tower. Nothing screams television like a dinosaur-sized, bare-bottom infant cruising along a pole. To further horrify visitors, Œerný had three more babies installed in the Tower Park. On the ground, one can get a better look of the details that make these statues the things of nightmares. Instead of faces, the babies have deep impressions of what could be tank treads. The edges around the impressions are lumpy and doughy. The babies appear aggressive, crawling towards the viewer with intention. If viewing the babies from the ground isn€™t your preference, you can book the one luxury room available for overnight stays in the tower, just for you and your faceless friends.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.