10 Creepy Public Information Films

2. Workplace Accidents

Prevent-it.caPrevent-it.caA series of five public service announcements from Canada on the importance of proper health and safety at work. A sous chef marinates her face in boiling water, a construction worker gets blown off a tall building, a factory worker steers himself into trouble, a shop assistant takes a close look at a display cabinet and an electrician interrupts a funeral (his own). The victims in these shocking adverts either acknowledge their fate just before it befalls them or remonstrate with their colleagues (from beyond the grave) after the fact. The accidents are incredibly realistic and the horrifying consequences are shown in graphic detail. Such explicit content seems justified when you consider that in 2012 there were 977 workplace fatalities in Canada (in workplaces where workers can receive provincial compensation benefits €“ the true number is likely to be much higher) and some 672 workers were injured every day. Dangerous times call for shocking and affecting measures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwCyVku1HvI

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Loves: Nostalgia, drums and Guided by Voices. Hates: Mondays