10 Deadliest Bridges In The World

7. Trift Suspension Bridge, Switzerland

Trift Suspension Bridge

Oh, dear reader. You thought the Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa in Nepal was freaky, didn't you? Well, feast thine eyes on the Trift Suspension Bridge that turns Toblerone into turds over in Switzerland. This one is around 170 metres in length, and that means you'd have to take an average of 223 steps to reach the other side. Then, and only then, you can open your eyes.

Situated amidst the breath-taking views of the Alps, the Trift Suspension Bridge is also a colossal 100 metres above the Trift Glacier. Our question is this though: why do those building these bridges have to do so at such an angle? It's hardly inviting to walk on.

When viewed from the side, the Trift Bridge isn't as steep as it seems when looking down from the top. Still, walking over a rope bridge 328 feet above sea level seems like a daunting task. This bridge was only built in 2004 when it became clear that the glacier was no longer high enough and an alternative route was needed.

So, they looked to Nepal for inspiration. Terrifying, terrifying inspiration.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.