10 Deadliest Bridges In The World

2. Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

Langkawi Sky Bridge

Try as you might, Malaysia, you won't be able to build a rollercoaster attraction to rival anything at Disney World. Wait, that's a bridge, not a coaster.

The Langkawi Sky Bridge is not only aptly named, it's also one of the scariest experience on the map. Spanning 125 metres (410 feet) and located a freakish 660 metres (2,170 feet) above sea level, the bridge is located in Gunung Mat Chinchang on the Pulau Langkawi mountains.

Some walking it may find the experience tame due to the lack of incline. Those people are liars, but there is the SkyGlide attraction for those who have a death wish. We'll just stay down here on the ground, away from the threat of falling over 2,000 feet onto rocks below.

For the ultimate thrill, a steeper, less secure part of the bridge can be accessed for those who don't fancy the SkyGlide. What is wrong with people?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.