10 More Deserving Winners Of Time's "Person Of The Year" Than The Pope

2. Walter White

TIME Magazine probably wouldn't be crazy enough to place a fictional character as their Person Of The Year, but the central character of the ubiquitous Breaking Bad was rounded enough to signify the many elements that make up the human psyche. There is the inherent vulnerability and fragility of human life that can be quickly taken away or have the sword of Damocles placed over it, such was Walter's cancer diagnosis. Also present are the lengths to which a person can go to protect and provide those that they love and respect, humanity's dark side, the urge to better one's self and strive to reach goals and, ultimately, a chance to redeem yourself, no matter what may have gone before. Walter's story arc can be read as a microcosm of life; running the gamut from start to end, light to dark and back to the light. That's not to say that we should all adopt Walter White as a role model (because let's face it, he did some rather terrible things) but like any form of dramatic entertainment, there are keen lessons to be learnt. Whether you choose to accept them or not is entirely up to you.

Currently undertaking NCTJ (journalism qualification), do a lot of music writing and very interested in literature, film, current affairs and anything else in between. Find me on Twitter - @jjviney