10 Disgusting Things That Happen To Your Body Everyday

1. You Shed A Whole Lotta Skin Every Day

What have you been doing for the past hour? Reading? Working? Working out? Think again: you€™ve actually just shed 600,000 particles of skin in the last 60 minutes. That is very impressive. And disgusting. By the time you€™re 70 years old, you will have shed 105 pounds of skin in your life time. Don€™t be too upset though: every square inch of your skin has 32 million bacteria living on it. You€™re a walking bacteria-covered mess. Just thank the lord that everyone else on this planet is too so you don€™t have to feel too bad about yourself.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).