10 Disgusting Things That Happen To Your Body Everyday

9. Your Nose Is Making Snot Right Now

Nicolas Cage Nose Up 2 In fact, it makes a new batch every 20 minutes. Gross, right? However, it€™s integral to your nose protection (and we€™re not talking hygiene masks here). Mucus, a.k.a snot, is the sticky liquid that coats the skin and hairs in your nose. It has a special bacteria-killing chemical, and it also keeps junk from reaching your lungs. And boogers (you know, those nasty things you used to eat as a kid) are actually dirt. The air is filled with dust, smoke, grit, bacteria, tiny fungi, pollen, soot, little metal pieces, ash, fuzz, sand, and even itty bitty meteorites. One job of the nose is to clean the stuff out. Fact: the nose-cleaning system is so effective that the nasal area is one of the cleanest parts of your body. Oh, and you swallow a quarter of a litre of snot a day on average.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).