10 Disturbing Facts About US Presidents

9. Chester A. Arthur Sold A Load Of Priceless Artefacts

Harry Truman KKK
Public Domain [Wikimedia Commons]

This one is only low key disturbing, but disturbing nonetheless.

Chester A. Arthur is not remembered all that often in chats about Presidents of the US. He was President for four years, only became President when the previous Commander-In-Chief, James Garfield, died and he himself died just one year after his presidency ended.

One of Arthur's more notable "achievements" came when he was redecorating the White House. In order to afford new furniture, Arthur decided to have a little jumble sale to raise some funds. Only Arthur wasn't selling clothes and old comic books.

The President sold 24 wagon-loads of White House goods in order to raise funds, including priceless memorabilia, such as a hat worn by John Adams and a pair of pants that once belonged to Abraham Lincoln.

Whilst this isn't overly disturbing (certainly not by the rest of this list's standards), the fact that a President would so carelessly discard valuable artefacts just to afford some new chairs doesn't speak too highly of Chester.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.