10 Disturbing Facts About US Presidents
6. Harry S. Truman - KKK Member?
Ok, so this one is open to speculation, but what isn't these days?
President Harry S. Truman (the "S" didn't stand for anything, by the way) took office in January 1945 and is most famous for being the President who ordered the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If this wasn't bad enough, then you should hear what he got up to at home.
When Truman was a judge in Missouri in the 1920s, he was advised to join the Klu Klux Klan to aid his re-election campaign. The Klan, known for their racist, anti-Semitic and discriminatory views, were a powerful force in local politics at the time and Truman was told that, if he joined, he'd be more likely to get re-elected.
Some stories claim Truman never joined, others claim that he paid the initial $10 membership fee but was never active, whilst some say that he paid the fee and then demanded it back once he was told by the Klan that he couldn't hire any Catholics or Jews when he was re-elected.
Whatever the story, the fact that a future US President was even associated with a group such as The Klan is extremely worrying. Truman may have been right to reject The Klan's membership, but, if he were truly an honest man, then you'd think he would have stayed away from them all together and not even entertained the idea of joining.