10 Disturbing Facts About US Presidents
3. Thomas Jefferson And Sally Hemings
Ah, Thomas Jefferson, it was only a matter of time before you showed up on this list.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers of America and the nation's third President, was not the most morally sound of people.
Jefferson famously said "all men are created equal", but clearly he didn't believe this as he owned a vast number of slaves.
One of these slaves was named Sally Hemings, and she presents a whole load of problems when it comes to Jefferson's personal life.
Firstly, she was the half-sister of Jefferson's wife, Martha, who passed away in 1782. Following her death - and while Sally was still a teenager - it is believed that Jefferson began a sexual relationship with Sally and many historians agree that Jefferson actually fathered six children with his slave.
A small number of scholars disagree, but the general consensus is that Jefferson and Hemings did have children together.
If having children with your slave isn't bad enough, then the fact that Hemings was the half-sister of Jefferson's dead wife surely is. Owning slaves is bad enough in the first place, but this really does take the cake.
Despite his great work as President, Jefferson's relationship with Hemings will always be a sour note in his historical legacy.