10 End-Of-The-World Prophecies That Didn't Come True

6. The Other Millennium Apocalypse

Anyway, if people had bothered to look at their history books they would have realised that Y2K wasn't the first time people had got flustered about the potentially apocalyptic consequences of a new millennium. Why, not a thousand years previous were people having very similar concerns, and without nearly as much legitimate reason to. Because, obviously, they didn't have computers back in the days when some Christian scholars, believers, and even the Pope thought that "Christ would reign" for 1000 years before his final judgement, something they apparently picked up from the Book of Revelations. Why did everyone think Jesus was going to destroy everything? Always seemed like a chill dude in the rest of The Bible. Regardless, by having the support of several religious leaders and Pope Sylvester II thousands of pilgrims headed to Jerusalem for the first millennium in the hope of being spared, with the somewhat less level-headed across Europe erupting in riots prior to an apocalypse that never came.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/