10 Everyday Phrases (And Their Strange Origins)

10. Sleep Tight

What Does It Mean? Widely used variant of 'sleep well.' Where Does It Come From? The most commonly accepted explanation for this odd little phrase is that it originates from the days when beds were made from rope to support mattresses, which would mean people literally had to tighten their beds each night to ensure comfortable sleep. However, others dispute this as mere folklore, and believe that it is much more likely that the phrase isn't very old at all - maybe even originating in the mid-20th century. They argue that in fact 'tight', in this instance, means 'soundly' or 'properly'. As the word 'tight' is no longer commonly used to mean these things, it is thought to be the only surviving use of the word in this context.
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Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.