10 Genius Apps To Make You A Better Adult

10. Switch Off: ( OFFTIME )

offtime app

If you're one of those people who constantly has their nose buried in their smartphone, it might be time for a detox.

Apart from the fact that people who scroll through their phone when you're talking to them are the literal worst, the constant dings and pings of your phone are way more distracting than you think. Studies find that humans are generally pretty bad at multitasking and one study at MIT showed that it can cut your productivity by as much a 40%.

The ( OFFTIME ) app blocks the constant stream of notifications and cuts the temptation to pootle about social media for a time period of your choosing. Hitting the "Take Offtime" button and seeing your screen go blank is surprisingly calming.

Don't worry, it allows you to whitelist certain apps and contacts so that urgent matters can get through.

It also tracks your device usage, so you can see just how much you use your phone throughout the day - you can bet it's more than you think.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.