1. Teslasuit: Feel What You Play
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/247607504/teslasuit-feel-what-you-play?ref=category Rejoice, tech nerds, because it looks like virtual reality is finally on its way. But with so much effort having gone into making immersive gameplay, well,
immersive, it seems a shame to spoil the illusion by not including tactile feedback into the experience. The TeslaSuit allows you to feel what you play via a variety of electrical transmitters that deliver mild shocks, creating the sensation of touch. You'll be pleased to learn that the actual working suit looks less like a futuristic sex doll and more like a normal, if slightly Steve Jobs-esque, jacket. It doesn't just work with VR either, as you can connect wirelessly to pretty much any device. The different shock points deliver different kinds of sensations, but we're trusting the designers not to make it
too realistic, as true-to-life sensation whilst playing Call of Duty might tend to put you off the whole experience. Check out their Kickstarter page
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