7. Carloudy: Futuristic Head-Up Display On Your Windshield
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/carloudy/carloudy-futuristic-head-up-display-on-your-windsh?ref=popular We all know that tapping away on your phone whilst driving is a bad idea but, be honest, the main reason you'd want this is to pretend that you're living in some kind of sci-fi future (which, of course, we now are). Carloudy is a head-up display system that can hook up to your phone or bluetooth devices. It will project the information you need onto your windshield in a visible but unobtrusive way and is visible in all lights. The system is voice activated, so there's no need to let Jesus take the wheel and, in contrast to current sat-navs, it can be you giving the orders now. The sleek, portable design allows it to sit quietly on your dash, rather that stuck obnoxiously in the middle of your windscreen. This means that you never again have to lick one of those those clunky sat-nav holders to get it to stick like some kind of peasant, and never again will you be nagged by a robot voice to "make a U-turn whenever possible". Check out their Kickstarter page