10 Guests Who Really Couldn't Handle Hot Ones
7. Jim Gaffigan
Season 2: Episode 13
Wings Finished: 8 - victim of "Da'Bomb Beyond Insanity"
Comedian Jim Gaffigan is notorious for his food jokes, but he was not laughing by the end of this episode. While he shrugs off the opening Sriratcha wing, he's already feeling plenty hot by wing three. He holds it together through the next three wings, and even though Sean warns him of the heat of "Pain 100%", Jim eats it without much reaction. "Da'Bomb" is a different story though...
Visibly, he's upset with the notorious eighth wing. Wiping his face and his tongue, drinking every liquid in reach, he throws in the white towel. Jim Gaffigan would be the fourth celebrity to fail to finish all ten wings of Hot Ones.