10 Guests Who Really Couldn't Handle Hot Ones
5. Ricky Gervais
Season 3: Episode 4
Wings Finished: 8 - Victim of "Da'Bomb Beyond Insanity"
Sean Evans and Ricky Gervais chow down on vegan hot wings for this episode. And, the comedian starts off well but realizes that even wing two was a bit too hot for him. He starts complaining about the heat in his mouth with only the third wing. After the fifth wing, Sean has a reaction that starts to scare Gervais from the remaining wings.
Although he ate it reluctantly, he has no problem with the sixth and seventh wing. He only touches the tip of his tongue to the eighth wing, the notorious Da'Bomb sauce and can't believe how hot it is.
We'll give him credit for actually taking a bite...but he refuses to finish the last two wings after that. He dips his tongue on the last wing, and hopes that Sean eventually gets a different job.