10 Guests Who Really Couldn't Handle Hot Ones
3. Taraji P. Henson
Season 5: Episode 1
Wings Finished: 5 - victim of "Extreme Karma Sauce"
Having no issue with the Louisiana Hot Sauce of wing one, actress Taraji P. Henson is looking around for a cocktail and having a great time. A happy dance accompanies wing two, but wing three has already set off her alarms. She thought she was safe with wing four, but it snuck up on her and she looks around for some vodka. But her crew brings in the Crown Royal instead.
"This smells hot and it made the chicken grow hair!" - Taraji is now completely unhappy with the heat of wing five. She taps out and makes the controversial decision to bring in a stunt double to finish the wings while she answers Sean's questions. While Henson may have needed to bring in a closer, we'll give security guard David all the credit for finishing all the way to "The Last Dab".