10 Hacks That Every Bartender Needs To Know

2. Dealing With Unwanted Attention

Annoying or flattering, it's important to learn to deal with it. Many will have experiences where numbers have been exchanged over the bar, which is totally fine! Just remember that you€™re encountering someone in an ex-reality environment, and you won€™t necessarily have an accurate depiction of the true person you are dealing with. Alcohol changes people €“ a lot! €“ and sometimes for better and sometimes for worse; so be wary of frivolous attention, as it could lead to some uncomfortable encounters in the future. There also exists the true masters €“ the €˜flirtatious bartender€™ €“ an exceptional tips-generator, a master of social boundaries, misty-blue eyes, over-conditioned hair and a smile like beads of white pearls. These guys can be at once playful and respectful of the boundaries set by bartenders; playing it safe, but having fun all the while. So smile and laugh it off, share a joke or two and always stay confident and calm. But let€™s face it, these guys are real mystics €“ like Hattori Hanzo or Tom Cruise €“ questionable if they actually exist or not. Importantly, though, remaining confident, calm and assertive behind the bar will see any unwanted attention warded off. And if anyone ever crosses the boundary, refusing to acknowledge your rejection or even placing a hand on you, you have the absolute right to tell them to back the hell away and inform colleagues and security straight away.

Writer, day-dreamer, dragon rider.