Shortcutting this titan of the cocktail world. The king of cocktails - neither fancy nor particularly beautiful on the eye, but timeless, simple and sophisticated and no gimmicks involved a classy cocktail. Oh, although it does take upwards of six minutes to dissolve the cubes of ice into the mix by way of stirring! Yes, thats just how dark life can get sometimes. Although most customers who order the old fashioned understand the time, effort and precision that goes into making this golden beauty, there are occasions when the very mention of the old fashioned is a death sentence, especially when bombed with seven orders at once, multiple cocktail demands, or youre just really busy with something else. This is when you hack the old fashioned to pieces. Have some pre-dissolved brown sugar water at the ready, pour the bitters and bourbon into the mix and give it a quick stir. Top it with your regular orange garnish and youre ready! This pre-dissolved sugar saves many precious minutes in the bartending world.