10 Health Crazes That Will Actually Damage Your Health

4. The Paleo Diet

Drinking Human Breast Milk
20th Century Fox

What Is it?

The idea behind the Paleo Diet is that we should only eat the things that would have been available to our pre-historic ancestors. This means that any food originating from agriculture or that is subject to any kind of processing is out.

So, What's So Bad About It?

This includes cutting out all grains, legumes, dairy and processed foods. Whilst a shift to fresh fruit and vegetables, lean proteins and unprocessed food can only be a good thing, we again run into the problem of eliminating whole food groups from our diets.

The idea behind the diet is that our ancestors were generally healthier and didn't suffer from heart disease or cancers. However, this doesn't take into account the fact that most of them wouldn't have lived far past breeding age, therefore, wouldn't have had the time to develop these diseases in the first place,

The large amounts of protein, largely derived from red meat, that the diet calls for can actually increase the chances of developing diseases such as bowel cancer, which whole grains can actually reduce the risk of developing.

In short, whilst the move away from highly processed foods should be encouraged, eating like a caveman will not make you live forever.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.