10 Highly Questionable Actions Committed By Barack Obama

8. Rosengate

rosen"I'm a little concerned that things have gotten a little out of whack." -Eric Holder, 5 Jun 2013 Gee, do ya think, sir? Back in May, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder testified under oath before the House Judiciary Committee that he knew nothing of any overreaching investigations into the phone records or emails of any journalists. It was later discovered, however, that not only did he know that such a program existed, but that he also personally signed a search warrant for the phone records and all associated email addresses of Fox News chief Washington correspondent, James Rosen on the grounds that Rosen is culpable of aiding or abetting national security leaks as set forth in the Espionage Act. For point of reference, this is the very same Espionage Act that condemned the Rosenbergs to death for selling secrets of the atomic bomb to the Soviets in the 1950s. Although he has stated he has no plans to resign despite this outright perjury, he was recently found culpable by the House GOP Judiciary Committee for said felony so he might not want to get too comfortable, although we all know his buddy Barack will pardon him if it comes to that. This isn't the first time that Holder has gotten into hot water on the Hill. In 2010, amidst the fallout of the infamous Operation: Fast & Furious, Holder was the first sitting member of the Justice Department to ever be held in contempt by the House for the nondisclosure of over 1,300 pages of materials regarding the ill-fated gun-running operation that has led to the deaths of at least 200 people in separate shootings, including Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Yet, the President still stands by his man throughout all of this. When Holder's Bush-era predecessor Alberto Gonzalez messed up, he had the dignity to resign; the hard truth is that Eric Holder has done Obama more harm than good in the last three years, and if Obama wants to regain some of the confidence of the American people, he would have asked for Holder's resignation by now, pardon or no pardon, and wiped the slate clean. The more Obama stands by his man, the more toxic both men seem.
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Barack Obama
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Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.