10 Hilariously Terrible Art Fails

10. The Yaryzh Stallion

10 HorseArtist: Maxim Dikunov Location: Voronezh, Russia This valiant steed was the result of a competition held by the management of a local hotel, in an attempt to find a sculpture that would embody the atmosphere of the hotel. If this is what they chose to represent their services, then it sounds like a truly terrifying place to stay. There's just too many questions raised by this huge bronze sculpture. Why is it covered in more muscles than the Incredible Hulk? Why is it angrily chewing on a piece of railwaytrack? Why oh why does it have a colossal man's genitalia? Is that two anuses, with one in 'use'? When sculptor Dikunov's father was queried regarding the oversized, human-like genitalia, he simply responded, "it is just a matter of nature and people should not stick noses in it." We really hope we never have to.
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