10 Horrific Punishments From History That Could Be In Game Of Thrones

1. Hitler's Retribution Wrongly Condemned Innocent Villages - Lidice And Lezaky

Lidice and Lezaky were villages in the Czech Republic that were destroyed in 1942. The destruction of the two villages was ordered by Adolf Hitler after the assassination of Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich had been one of Hitler's favourites, and was described by him as 'the man with the iron heart'. This iron-hearted man was one of the leading architects of the Holocaust and is regarded by historians as being one of the darkest figures in the Nazi elite. In May 1942 he was attacked in Prague by Slovak and Czech soldiers and died a week later. The assassination was falsely linked by intelligence to the villages of Lidice and Lezaky, where it was thought the assassins might be hiding. Both villages were razed to the ground, and all but a handful of the inhabitants were killed, either on the spot or in concentration camps. The death toll resulting from Hitler's wrath after the killing of Heydrich is estimated to be over 1,300; another addition to the extensive list of inexcusable Nazi atrocities. Unfortunately there are hundreds more examples that could be added to this article, but that's probably enough depressing reading material for one day. If we've missed any in particular that you would like to share, please leave a comment below.

Lauren Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.