10 Huge Predictions For Science In 2016

2. There Will Be A Boom In Jobs For Data Scientists

For some people, the phrase "data science" is their cue to take a quick nap, but Big Data is soon going to govern all our lives (more than it already does). A fact of modern life is that most of us are on transmit. Social media, search data, wearables, fitness trackers, online shopping, questionnaires, GPS ... all of these and more are collecting vast amounts of data about us. In fact, the amount of data we have is expected to reach the size of 44 trillion gigabytes by the year 2020. This isn't about nabbing your email address and trying to sell you stuff, by the way, big data allows us to track trends across an enormous cross section of society, enabling us to fine tune our tech, predict trends and continue to hone artificial intelligence. All of this would be a veritable goldmine, but only if we have the people to mine it. Data scientists jobs have already risen by nearly 60% in 2015 and we'll only need more as time goes on, so if you're wondering what to do with your career, it looks like data is where the big bucks are.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.