10 Iconic Movie Cars It Would Suck To Actually Own

2. 1994 Toyota Supra - The Fast And The Furious

Imagine this: you are at the traffic lights in your car, your favourite music is booming on the radio, and you're about to go to Argos to pick up that snazzy new lawnmower you've been hankering for. All of a sudden you hear a noise, a rumble that is quickly gaining intensity, making you crane your neck in anticipation of the 500 bhp Italian Stallion supercar that you know will be gracing your eyes in a moment. No, it's not that. It's a Toyota - a bright Orange one, which has stupid stickers on it and its exhaust system has been designed by a short person with issues, and it's driven by a 17 year old with more craters on his face than the moon. Would you like to own it? No, I didn't think so. The End.

Historian and Archaeologist. You can follow me on Twitter but I seldom go anywhere.