10 Incredible Joe Rogan Experience Guests You Probably Missed

6. Andy Dick: #88

Aired: March 2011

Current YouTube Views: 197k

"I was sexually attracted to you, and just as equally f***** frightened of you" ~Andy Dick

Before the podcasts, before Fear Factor, and even before the UFC...Joe Rogan was known for his role on NewsRadio. His co-star, Andy Dick, also rose to fame on the NBC sitcom. Notorious for his antics and substance abuse, Dick has shown up in many tv shows and movies such as Old School, Dancing With the Stars, and The Andy Dick Show.

With everyone chilling on couches instead of a studio, the conversation quickly moves from Charlie Sheen's outburst to substance abuse to places where Andy is no longer allowed to go. While they reminisce over times spent on the show, they get into Andy's perspective of Rogan in the past and we get to see perhaps the most uncomfortable Joe has been on any podcast episode.

Any fan of NewsRadio should dive into this episode and give it a listen. (As a bonus, episode #82 is also recommended with Dave Foley)


A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate