10 Incredibly Clever Casino Scams That Actually Worked

10. Cannes Contact Lens

In 2011, three Italians and a Frenchman entered a casino. It sounds like the setup for a joke, but the owners of the Princes Casino in Cannes weren't laughing after they walked away with almost ‚64,000 in winnings. During games of stud poker, the Frenchman would draw small symbols on the back of cards using invisible ink. A line would represent an ace, while a cross meant that it was a king. In order to read these hidden symbols, the Italians wore special contact lenses. The scammers were able to get away with it the first time round, but suspicions were raised when they returned and had yet another large winning streak. Security realised that the players were wearing contact lenses, and all four were landed with a prison sentence.

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