10 Infamous Occultists With Terrifyingly Creepy Obsessions

3. Gilles De Rais - Blood Fetish

In the Hundred Year's War that tore France apart, one hero would rise up to end the fighting. Her name was Joan of Arc, but behind her, serving as her right hand, was the valiant knight Gilles de Rais. When Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, de Rais was said to be stricken mad with grief. He retired after the war to lead a more private life in his castle. Perhaps too private a life. Panic fled through surrounding countryside as people's children went missing. Rumors surrounding the disappearances continued to circle until a local priest heard their baron, Gilles, was bankrupt after spending enormous amounts to collect materials on the Occult. Growing suspicious, the priest investigated Gilles and what he found has continued to disturb the world to this very day. Gilles had indeed been trying to summon demons with Occult knowledge. However, many of his botched rituals had called for child sacrifice. If it wasn't enough that he killed them, Gilles also enjoyed the feeling of their blood splash across his body when he sacrificed them. The former hero of France was hanged shortly after the priest's discovery. He is remembered not as the Marshall of France, not as Joan of Arc's closest friend, but as one of the most sick serial killers humanity has ever spawned.
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