10 Most Infamous Supernatural Hoaxes
Nessie can still be real, if you just believe hard enough...
The world is full of all sorts of weird, wonderful unexplained phenomena. We know the universe is made of dark matter, but what exactly is dark matter? Is there only one type of Higgs boson, that fancy molecule the Large Hardon Collider was searching for? Why does Pitbull have a career? All questions that keep some of the world's leading minds awake at night, true mysteries of our existence. That's opposed to the unexplained phenomena that, in most cases, do actually have a rational explanation. Sure, there's evidence that ghosts and aliens and all sorts of supernatural stuff might exist, but there's also plenty of evidence to suggest that certain people might do well to maintain some scepticism about such things. After all, much of the evidence that's brought forth as proof of everything from hauntings to fairies to big monsters living in a Scottish lake turns out to be a lot of baloney. Hogwash. Total BS. That is to say they're hoaxes, whether that's just from people lying, or else providing doctored photos or faked videos. Some continue to believe when such things have been debunked. The rest of the world carries on as it was, perhaps a little less excited about the possibility of an actual sasquatch. These are ten of the most infamous of those supernatural hoaxes.