10 Most Infamous Supernatural Hoaxes

5. Uri Geller's Entire Existence

How exactly is Uri Geller famous? Besides being Michael Jackson's BFF, anyway. It's because of his supposedly supernatural ability to bend spoons using his mind which, really, even that's not all that impressive a power to fake. If you're going to pretend to have some sort of low-level telekinesis, pretend you can make things float and just strap things to fishing wire and have your mate €œlevitate€ them from above. Despite the fact that it's not particularly impressive and he's obviously a hack, however, Geller has managed to maintain a career spanning more than four decades, mostly off the back of bending spoons and pretending he's doing it with his mind. He isn't, by the way, and everybody knows it. There isn't much more to it than simple stage magic. The man himself, however, is one of the few hoaxers who's been caught out but refused to admit it. Geller to this day claims feats are the result of paranormal powers given to him by aliens. Because aliens are apparently super unadventurous and think that bending spoons is impressive. How depressing would first contact be if they expected humanity to be impressed by that.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/