10 Inventions That Will Make Harry Potter A Reality

1. Conjuring = E=mc2

Harry Potter Invisible Cloak
Warner Bros.

Okay, this one is a bit of a long shot, but how would you like to conjure something out of nothing?

In the magical world, conjuring up matter out of thin air is an everyday occurrence, but it seems impossible that this could ever be become a reality for us Muggles.

Many spells in the world of Harry Potter produce a beam of light, but what if they're just harnessing the power of Einstein's most famous equation e=mc2?

Physicists have now demonstrated that it is possible to create matter from light. It has been long understood that we can use matter to create light, but this is the first time that it has been shown to work in reverse.

The process works by smashing two photons (light particles) together at high speed. If all goes well then the massless photons should be transformed into physical matter or, more specifically, an electron and a positron. 

This is one of the most elegant demonstrations of e=mc2, as it shows that energy = matter and vice versa.

Of course, this isn't quite the same as conjuring an entire Christmas dinner out of thin air, but perhaps if you do it enough times you could make a teeny tiny version with your brand new electrons (just don't let it touch the positrons, or they will quite literally annihilate each other).

It is also mentioned that conjuring in Harry Potter has its limits. For example, you cannot just make an object such as food appear out of nowhere, the food, or the matter that makes it up, has to already exist. 

This abides by the laws of the conservation of matter and energy brilliantly. These laws dictate that energy and mass are neither created or destroyed, only converted into another form.

Perhaps the world of wizardry is not so different from our own after all...


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.