10 Lesser Known Facts About Queen Elizabeth II

2. A Day In The Life Of The Monarch


Her Majesty starts her day at her desk and begins by reading the daily newspapers and going through her mail. Following meetings with her Private Secretaries, the Queen grants private audiences with various dignitaries, such as overseas ambassadors, newly appointed bishops and judges, senior members of the armed forces, etc.

All investitures (where the great and the good receive honors or medals) start at 11.00 and normally last over an hour. The Queen usually lunches privately before starting the afternoon agenda. The afternoons will see her visiting various regions of the UK making speeches, opening events and buildings and unveiling plaques. If the engagement is outside London she travels by RAF helicopter or aircraft. Where possible the Queen will finish the afternoon with a meeting of the Privy Council made up of Government ministers.

The evening may see the Queen having her weekly meeting with the Prime Minister at 6.30. At 7.30 a daily record of Parliament procedures arrives at the Palace which she reads on a same day basis. Buckingham Palace holds many official receptions for the charitable organizations of which she is patron. Other evenings may include attending movie premieres or concerts for good causes.

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The Queen
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I am a 60 year old Englishman living in Thailand. Recently retired after eight years as a teacher, time laid heavily on my shoulders. Even living in paradise,the beach and bars can become too familiar. I decided to try my hand at content writing and, after slow start it is beginning to bear fruit. Admittedly the money involved is small but then again, you can live in Sotheast Asia very cheaply and still enjoy life. I have spent a great deal of my life travelling around the globe having been bitten by wonderlust at an early age.