10 Massively Outdated Websites That You Can Still Access

3. Northern Uproar

Northern Uproar€™s abandoned website is like a cautionary tale about comic sans and headache-inducing GIFs. Recommending the user to open it on Internet Explorer 3 (released in 1996), navigating this site may be fairly simple in theory, but is a horror for the eyes. Flashing banners that are generally reserved for porn popups nowadays indulge in an unholy alliance with random colour schemes to create a website that is reminiscent of how cartoons depict drug-fuelled hallucinations. Don€™t be fooled by seemingly normal things like the online store. This is the €˜90s, and ordering something online involves printing off an order form and sending it out with a cheque. Simpler days. Simpler, much more horrible and inconvenient, days.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.