10 Mind-Blowing Feats Performed By Gurkhas
3. Bishnu Shrestha Battles Train Robbers

The Gurkha mentality doesn't simply start and end on the battlefield and that was no more ably shown than through the actions of Bishnu Shrestha when he encountered a gang of armed train robbers while in India.
Accounts of what happened vary, but what is generally agreed is that Shrestha unsheathed his Kukri and attacked the robbers in an effort to defend a young girl who was about to be raped.
Some reports claim that he fought the entire group off single-handedly - injuring or killing a number of the bandits along the way - whereas others claimed that he was severely injured in the encounter himself and was lucky to escape with his life. The most commonly reported story was that Shrestha suffered a severe injury to his arm but managed to kill three and wound a number of other robbers before they fled.
The simple fact that he had the bravery to stand up to a well-armed group - which is reputed to have contained as many as 40 bandits - on his own in the first place is more than enough to show that the Gurkha fighting spirit continued to live on in him long after he left the forces.
The Government of India later granted Bishnu Shrestha a Sena Medal and Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak for his conduct.