10 Mobile Phone Features People Never Really Needed
10. Screen Size
Phone screens are consistently getting bigger and bigger, occupying more of our pocket real estate. As a result, modern flagships with 6 displays have become unwieldy to many people. The commonly accepted form factor size has increased for years, but bigger devices have never been what consumers actually wanted. An independent survey carried out in 2014 showed that vast majority of mobile phone users preferred 4-4.49 screens over 6 ones. While you can still buy phones with smaller screen sizes, they never offer as much power and build quality as the big ones. People want devices which easily fit in every pocket and allow comfortable one-hand operation. Devices with bigger footprint do make media consumption a much better experience but, according to a recent survey by Pew Research Center, most adults watch videos on mobile phones only occasionally, while they primarily use the devices for calling, messaging and internet browsing. The growing screen size trend is clearly getting out of control. No longer than three years ago, when Apple unveiled its iPhone 5, Philip W. Schiller said a 4 screen size was perfectly natural for the reach of the human thumb, implying that anything bigger would be completely redundant. Apparently, this opinion no longer stands. New iPhone screens have grown to 4,7 and 5,5 for the new 6 and 6 Plus models respectively. The most ironic fact about phone screen sizes is the bigger the phones get, the less space there seems to be left to fit a full-sized SIM card slot inside. Apple iPhone 6S uses the tiny nano SIM cards, while phones half its footprint like the legendary Nokia 3310 could easily fit a regular mini SIM.