10 Mobile Phone Features People Never Really Needed

8. Thinness

Thickness, for some strange reason, is becoming a real issue nowadays as manufacturers are outdoing themselves in making sleeker, more wafer-thin phones. But nobody complains about their phone being too thick. It is not thickness, after all, that stops people from carrying the Nexus 6P (7.3mm thin, 159.3mm tall) in the front jeans pocket. It is the phone€™s sheer footprint. While numerous mobile phone makers present thinness as an advantage over competitors, and highlight this feature in their marketing materials. People, on the other hand, rarely seem to care. A recent survey carried out by Huffington Post confirms that 73% of mobile phone users would rather go for a thicker phone if it meant bigger battery. On top of that, the emergent trend for superthin phones is responsible for the popularity of "bend tests" on YouTube. These tests prove that phones... bend if you bend them. Dear producers: just stop the madness. Everybody is perfectly fine with an 8mm thick phone.
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