10 Most Bizarre Literature Conspiracy Theories

2. Barack Obama Had Tom Clancy Killed

Who€™d be a writer? Aside from the poor pay, the writers€™ blocks, the isolation and the frustrations, you also find yourself prime target for government€™s assassins. Tom Clancy is another example of a writer to go the same way as the likes of Albert Camus and Hunter S Thompson in being silenced forever, according to some. Of course Clancy€™s name has already been dragged through the conspiracy-muddied mire before, previously accused by one Carol Valentine of been in the employ of an American government eager to convince the world of the legitimacy of planes crashing into buildings. Yet it appears there is something of a struggle between opposing conspiracy theorists wanting to claim Clancy for themselves. The latest accusation comes from Dr Garrow of the Bethune Institute. Garrow has taken the rather zeitgeist-y approach of questioning the validity of Barack Obama's citizenship. He argues that the novel Clancy was working on before his death was a true-to-life exposé claiming the American president as a foreign plant placed into power by billionaire Muslim-Marxists. Upon finding out Clancy was to expose the whole shebang, Obama apparently demanded his prompt assassination. Clancy€™s cause of death was attributed to an undisclosed illness. Garrow argues that it took five days for doctors to perform an autopsy on Clancy, conveniently allowing enough time for various poisons to become undetectable. Friends of Clancy have since come forward and revealed he had suffered serious heart problems in later life which were responsible for his death. But what do they know?

Dale Armitage hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.