10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Ghosts Are Real

7. Einstein May Have Proven Their Existence

We get the feeling that anybody who's scientifically inclined might think we're totally trolling them with this article. And that's only half-true, but this next part may be a bit of a leap, even for them.

So Albert Einstein - the E = mc2 guy with the hair, if you're somehow not familiar - had this Theory of Relativity which postulates the existence of an infinite number of alternate realities, which itself began as a fringe theory and has since become a widely accepted part of quantum mechanics. Extrapolating the Theory of Relativity, and the Many Worlds Theory, you could argue that the sightings of "ghosts" aren't necessarily the generally agreed upon restless souls of the dead. They could be beings that live on some different plane of existence, or an entirely alternate reality, who sometimes bleed through into our reality, or whom we get a glimpse of for some other reason.

Which leads us onto Dr Henry Stapp. A quantum physicist who worked with Heisenberg (no, the one he's named after), Stapp's beliefs about quantum mechanics and life after death neatly dovetail with those of Dr Stuart Hameroff and his physicist friend Roger Penrose. Hameroff and Penrose suggested that a "soul" was simply the quantum processing in our brains that produced consciousness. So when we die, all that quantum information is simply released into the world from the brain.

Stapp agreed with the theory that consciousness could live on as a "mental entity" once the brain it had previously lived in had died, and even went so far as to suggest that if these entities could somehow make their way back to the physical world, then possession and channeling could be possible. Note he wasn't saying what possessions and channeling actually was, he was just spitballing. But when quantum physicists spitball, you treat them with a little more respect than, say, Derek Acorah.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/